I suspect there are some things that Bush could do to get help in Iraq that would cost taxpayers anything.
- Repudiate the claim that other nations, esp. France and Russia, were acting in bad faith by threatening to veto an Iraq War resolution at the UN Security Council.
- Admit that the administration used information that has now been refuted to justify the war.
- Apologize for strong-arming other governments to support the Iraq War.
- Acknowledge that the Iraq War was conducted as part of PNAC political-geo-strategic theory that is now be reconsidered.
- Fire advisors that are closely linked to PNAC political-geo-strategic theory and people that fed Bush bad information.
If Bush did these things, I suspect it would lead to significant help in rebuilding Iraq. Conversely, failure to do these things out of Bush's arrogance will lead to more GIs dying.
We should be clear, GIs are dying for Bush's arrogance, especially his unwillingness to sack Rumsfeld and the other PNAC-aligned advisors.