Hello, Kossacks:
I wouldn't normally announce this to 200,000 of my closest friends, but tomorrow is my birthday -- and Joe Biden has gaven me a little birthday pick-me-up that's worth sharing.
Today, Biden delivered a letter to Condi, asking the question so many of us have been speculating about the last few days: Did Bolton provide testimony to Fitzgerald. (I dug around, and I don't think the letter has been blogged here yet -- but if it has, my apologies.)
More below:
Here's the letter:
July 27, 2005
The Honorable Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Madame Secretary,
I write in connection with the nomination of John R. Bolton to be Permanent Representative to the United Nations.
On July 21, 2005, MSNBC reported that Under Secretary Bolton testified before the federal grand jury in Washington that is investigating the leak of the identity of Valerie Plame as an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency.
I write to request that you or the nominee inform the Committee whether Mr. Bolton did, in fact, appear before the grand jury, or whether he has been interviewed or otherwise asked to provide information by the special prosecutor or his staff in connection with this matter, and if so, when that occurred. As you know, the Committee questionnaire, which the nominee completed in March, requires all nominees to inform the Committee whether they have been "interviewed or asked to supply any information in connection with any administrative (including an inspector general), Congressional or grand jury investigation within the past 5 years, except routine Congressional testimony."
Thank you for your assistance.
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Ranking Minority Member
Sure, Bushco may be able to find yet another way to skate around yet another Bolton-related deficiency -- but watching Biden give old Ned Flanders another kick in the shorts has made me all kinds of birthday happy.
As I sign off, I once again urge you all to check out www.thewashingtonnote.com. Steve Clemons has lined up some guest bloggers, and they're all first-rate. Lots of fresh thinking and insights on Cap'n Mustachio and the never-ending hell that has been his approval process thus far.
Thank you, Joe Biden! Have a piece of cake and a beer on me!