This is the sort of thing I was worried about in the beginning push for Webb as a candidate for George Allen's Senate seat. Webb has been in the public eye for too many years in too many different capacities not have a record which can be picked over and dissected in such fashion as to be used against him by any opponent on any topic for any purpose.
To be sure, Webb has since backed off from various comments he made in the past about Clinton, Allen, and Robb, and has even said that he made a mistake (imagine: a politician who admits to having made a m-i-s-t-a-k-e).
Webb apparently has had lunch with Chuck and Linda Robb, and there are, ahem, no hard feelings. But I can understand why cousin Chuck will not make a formal endorsement of Webb, but released his staff people to do so. It also goes a long way to explain the deep well of bitterness and suspicion with which the Democratic regulars regard Webb now.
Nevertheless: To err is human, to forgive is divine (but Dems are demonstrably not divine, unlike, of course the Bushies). Are these antique clips being used by the Miller campaign--- or is there no need to, since Webb's former positions are so burned into the old-time Dem consciousness?
My recommendation: announce this is PAST HISTORY. Webb (like me) has seen the light. Is there no charity toward converts? No hosannahs in heaven over a reformed sinner?
Let's not forget that Harris Miller did NOT endorse Leslie Byrne, and apparently made a public affirmation that he was not endorsing her, even after she won the four-way Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor, and she subsequently lost the general... so his sin is more recent than Webb's. If the old-line Dems are going to be vindictive about requiring Webb to have backed Democrats as far in the past as Clinton's day, they shouldn't overlook apostasy by Miller just a few months ago.
What we are looking toward is the future. Webb's positions are more progressive Democratic than Miller's. No real labor union has endorsed Miller, but they have endorsed Webb. In fact, labor unions are against Miller, and aren't they supposed to be a major Democratic constituency? Miller gave plenty of money personally to hard-right Repulicans, praised Allen himself on IT matters, and is the poster boy for CEO's who outsourced and downsized American jobs while paying themselves obscene bonuses. Webb NEVER gave money to Republicans, even when he supposedly worked for them, and is unalterably opposed to outsourcing. Webb is acknowledged by all analysts as the one candidate with any kind of a chance of beating Allen.
Our purpose is to elect a Democrat to replace George Allen as Virginia's Senator; Webb is the only viable candidate, and, mirabile dictu, he is also progressive. How lucky can you get? Miller's self-serving negative attacks on Webb damage the Democratic Party and weaken it for November combat. If Miller is such a good Democrat, he should see that, and cease and desist immediately.
I believe that anyone who votes for Miller is mired in an eternal minority party mindset, intent on commiting political suicide. Anyone who votes for Webb is future-oriented, believing that the Democrats can attract not only former Democrats but new voters to the party, and bring about a Democratic majority. The choice is clear. On June 13: Jim Webb for Senate.