...I'm being serious. I'm not trying to be funny or vitriolic. Do Republicans & conservatives suffer from a form of group psychosis?
I was in political science class where my professor talked about how someone in the 60's came up with a theory that conservatism might be a mental disorder. I can't remember the name of the author or theory, but when I saw the "Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" cover in Kos' story on the front page, I was reminded of it...
There are 2 big characteristics of Psychosis that the Republicans & Conservatives exhibit...
- Paranoia - Everyone is out to get them. The media, liberals, France, UN, & the rest of the world that doesn't live in the "red states" is out to get them. According to them, all of us want to destroy America & drag their "little billy" down to the courthouse to marry him off to the nearest gay guy.
- Delusional Behavior - Reality isn't what is true, it's what they believe is true. This is the true "Faith Based" policy. If the facts don't conform to their version of what should be, they bend the facts to support their vision. In their minds, nothing else can be true.
...Or am I giving Republicans too much credit for thinking that they actually believe the shit that comes out of their mouths?