Cross-posted at MyDD
It's time for Tom DeLay to return the dirty money.
Today, I sent a letter to Rep. Tom DeLay encouraging him to return donations he and his political action committees have received from soon to be convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and convicted Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham's named co-conspirators.
The law-abiding people of Southeast Texas have been greatly embarrassed by Tom DeLay's close association with these criminals. Tom DeLay should do the right thing by putting the people of Texas first and returning this money. Frankly, his donor list is beginning to look like a police line up.
Often, when it is necessary to return money to donors who are in legal trouble, public officials will donate the money to charity. However, with past media reports, the latest of which was in this weekend's Washington Post, that Tom DeLay has used charity donations as a conduit for political activity, observers will want to pay close attention to where this money goes should DeLay choose to rid his campaign of the tainted funds in that way.
The people of Southeast Texas have been hurt by Tom DeLay's association with these criminals. It is clear that whoever Tom DeLay is working for in Congress, it is not the people of this district.
Please join me and co-sign my letter to Tom DeLay today! I've attached the letter I sent below:
Dear Congressman DeLay:
In December, you refused to return donations from several of convicted Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham's (R-CA) named co-conspirators. Now it seems the Washington, DC lobbyist you have referred to as one of your "closest friends" is pleading guilty to corruption charges. That lobbyist is obviously Jack Abramoff who footed the bill as you accompanied him on two exotic golf trips. MSNBC reports that you have received $57,000 from Jack Abramoff. This is in addition to the more than $30,000 that Congressman Cunningham's co-conspirators have donated to you or your political action committees. I encourage you to do the right thing and return the funds you have received from both the Cunningham co-conspirators and Jack Abramoff.
Southeast Texans are increasingly embarrassed by your association with these criminals. It is imperative that you send the right message to your constituents, and return this money, which is reportedly in excess of $80,000. A failure to do so would exhibit an unthinkable impropriety for a sitting Member of Congress.
I look forward to hearing that you have done the right thing and returned these donations.
Nick Lampson
I hope you'll join me in calling on Tom DeLay to return the dirty money.
Thank you for your support.