Diane Sawyer is a not a journalist. Yuck.
Anyway, I watched the interview from the Dean website early this morning. I have never seen two people in the limelite, and this goes for politicians, movie stars, athletes, etc, who have appeared so much like real people.
Laura Bush represents to me the overtly dull, do as she's told, wears too much perfume, wouldn't tip her pizza delivery boy, former sorority girl slut; Judy reminds me of my mother.
And how great it is to see a woman defending her career, while standing by her husband? How wonderful is it to hear a Presidential candidate say his family is more important to him than the nomination? For them to talk about being friends as well as being in love. To get over even religious differences, which many families deal with (albeit usually two different Protestant sects). It's also great for someone on TV saying how much they don't like TV.
This reminds me of why I liked Dean in the first place. I think I could hang out with him and have an actual conversation, maybe even enjoy the company. Imagine hanging out with Cheney and Bush? Think haunted house.
And the scream thing? He reminds me of my coach in high school. And that's a good thing.