Recently, there have been a variety of requests for the Dems to protest, in some fashion, during the SOTU. I agree that there should be some sort of opposition as well, and I have an idea to throw into the ring.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this too, so please read on!
My idea is simple. Every Dem has a sign with "LIE" written on it. They sit there quietly, and every time Bush tells a lie, which is every time his lips are moving, they simply hold up the sign!
It's peaceful. It's not really disruptive (as in a walk-out, for example). It would get shown on the tv. It would force Bush to read them, yet carry on with his televised speech (meltdown possible?). And, it might just give the Dems something to RANT about on the tv talk shows, showing some conviction! Plus, if organized far enough in advance, other people visiting the address live could carry their own signs!!! How cool would that be if everybody ('xcept the rubber stamp republinutcases) held up a LIE sign?
I'm rather certain that it would just piss georgie off to the point where he blows his stack on live tv! Well, one can dream anyway...
I'd like to know what you think about this!