Conservatives hate the United States of America.
I get sick of hearing how "Liberals hate America" when it is so obvious that it is Conservatives that actually hate America. Why else would they try to change so many things that made the US a once great bastion of freedom, liberties, and human rights.
Conservatives fight to keep a veil over Government, to restrict the American people from knowing what is actually going on and replacing the whole truth and nothing but the truth with what THEY think American people should think. A transparent Government with responsibility to inform the people of their actions is a hallmark of the United States of America. But Conservatives hate America and want to remove that basic principle of this Democratic Republic.
Conservatives fight to remove safeguards from the Government procurement process(es). The reasons are obvious, Conservatives want to reward their supporters and punish their enemies financially. And in return they expect to be compensated for their largesse.
Conservatives offer protection from established laws concerning the environment, wages, and competition, and in return get huge amounts of money from the industries they protect. There are some who believe that Organized Crime and Government are synonomous but it is Conservatives who are embracing the generally known practices of .
Conservatives fight to change the accepted laws of the land that allow for the freedom of choice for women when it comes to their bodies and their medical decisions. Imagine that, fighting to restrict the rights and freedoms of a significant portion of this Nations population. What makes it even more devious is their use of terms like "Judicial Activism", and "Legislating from the Bench" to describe why Americans as a whole should reject Liberal views then use exactly those same methods they decry to achieve their nefarious aims.
Conservatives hate an America where a Corporate Executive making over a million dollars a year has the same rights and freedoms that an unemployed person scraping together nickles to feed their family has. They hate an America where a few dollars from the Government go to those individuals who need a "leg up". How dare those people collect welfare while Conservatives can use that money to reward supporters with corporate incentives and tax breaks?
Conservatives hate an America where people who work for a living, band together to give themselves an opportunity to collectively bargain for a living wage and benefits. How dare those workers turn "commie" on us when Conservatives can use profits to give out multi million dollar management bonuses to reward ideas like that new manufacturing facility in Mexico or India, where silly American laws like environmental and employee protections don't matter.
Conservatives hate an America where religious freedom is practiced and embraced. Why else would they try so hard to inject a particular form of religion into everyday American life?
Conservatives hate an America where the people speak about Government with their actions at the Voting Booth. Conservatives don't want a paper trail or a verification process to ensure that American law is followed thoroughly and completely.
Why do Conservatives want to change so many things about America? Because Conservatives hate America.