You're incredible, with 6 hours to go, we have collected 270 ballots for this
"Who's going to win Iowa" online poll.
Kerry has managed to catch up with Clark a little bit, Is it because the lastest NY Times article boost his supporters' morale? Please continue to vote in"Who's going to win Iowa" poll. It's a waste that I put Lieberman's name on the ballot, He's only registered one vote out of 270 ballots. It's time to vote him off from the survival island, I promise you to replace him with Edwards next time.
We're reporting the result of "The biggest Iowa surprise" for the first time.
First Call
Dean wins in a landslide ( > 40%) 52%
Edwards or Clark beats Kerry in a third place 23%
Gephardt upsets his rivals in a surprise win 9%
Kerry finishes the 2nd, Gephardt is toast 8%
No surprise, conventional wisdom prevails 4%
Iowa supreme court nullifies Dean's votes 2%
It surprised me all of you seem to have faith in Iowa supreme court, Are you sure It's not controlled by Bush's henchmen? I am not that confident at all.
Please continue to vote in "The biggest Iowa surprise poll"