Did you march? Did you hold vigil? Did you chant in a field of hundreds of like-minded citizens? Did you carry a sign and encourage drivers to honk their horns?
I did, and so did these folks.
I marched today in Minneapolis, walked with my dog and a few friends I found. I never chant or yell - too shy. I also don't ever carry anything - it's hard to do with a dog in tow, but again, I'm pretty shy.
Before this war and the 1st Gulf War began, I marched in DC. When the invasion started three years ago, I was in Italy with a friend, and joined the many protests in Rome (odd to be an American abroad at the beginning of something like this - I burst into tears more than once talking with Italians about my views). Today, it felt right to join with my neighbors, and many strangers to speak out again.
What did you do or are you planning to do to observe this day?