For those who have the advanced copy of the book I need some quick clarification. I left the book at home and I'm at work at the moment but if my memory is correct, i found the
second paragraph on page 34 (36, maybe) a bit disturbing...
That paragraph speaks on the fact that Democrats, who have the power to redistrict states like Louisiana, didn't take the initiative like the Republicans did in Texas.
Can someone else please let me know if I took that the wrong way? Was the book suggesting that Dems stoop to the level of Republicans and gerrymander states for the sake of gaining more seats in congress?
I believe that we should win on ideas, not on rigging the system. The districts should fairly represent the people and should be drawn to respect geographic and community lines as much as possible. If I understood that paragraph the wrong way, then forgive me. Please drop your two cents if you read that far into the book. Gracias!