. . .and do you know who is going to win it?
NO! Not that he will actually win the presidency for the first time, but as the scandals show what a filthy bastard he is, the country will just vote for the other guy. Whatsizz name.
The gaunt guy.
Speaking as a Demo, Kerry's, "Lookee how popular I am! I must be resonating with the peeps!" speeches are NOT reality.
Reality? The lefties and mod-lefties are so pissed at Chimpy McCokespoon that they would vote for a bag of hammers with the donkey symbol on the side, IMO.
So, can a Democratic President who is not as big an asshole as that other asshole be all that effective? Or act as a catalyst for strengthening our country AND putting our party back on top?
Or after a 2004 presidential win, are we back to being the pink tutu party, with a Rethug majority in congress and in the SCOTUS?
I will vote for Kerry, maybe give a few $$, that's it.
To Kerryites out there, he could act the statesman, RIGHT NOW, and give props to Dean for giving him a spine, and to us for rebuilding the base, unite our party and make this a blowout.
Or not. . .
'jes thinkin'
-Prodigal Son