On December 20th, Bush granted pardons to 11 people. The only blip I found on the MSM was an article in the Rocky Mountain News about Wendy St. Charles
a Denver attorney.
Rocky Mountain link
A Denver lawyer was pardoned Tuesday by President Bush for drug-related crimes she committed more than two decades ago. Wendy St. Charles, now 49, was among 11 people who received presidential pardons.
The other ten granted pardons are listed after the jump. Help me figure out who they are and why Bush granted them clemency when he has done it so rarely.
Justice Deptartment Citation 05-651
Carl Eugene Cantrell Monteagle, Tennessee - Offense: Viotation of IRS liquor laws Sentence July 25, 1967 3 years probation.
Charles Winston Carter Hanna City Illinois - Offense: Conspriacy to steal property of the US. Sentence Sept 25, 1964 2 years probation.
Harper James Finucan Charleston SC offense: Possession with intent to distribute marijuana Sentence: April 9, 1980 39 months imprisonment, 5 years specail parole.
Bobby Frank Kay, Sr. Suffolk VA Offense: Operation of an illegal distillery. Sentence: May 13, 1959 - 2 years incarceration.
Melvin L. McKEE Surprise, AZ Offense: Conspiracy to make and cause the making of false staements in loan applications, aiding and abetting in the making of a materially false statement in a loan application. Sentence: May 17, 1982 5 years proabation.
Charles Elis McKinley Pall Mall TN Offense Violation of the IRS liquor laws. Sentence June 5, 1950 2 years probation
Donald Lee Pendergrass Ramona CA Offense- Bank robbery by use of a dangerous weapon. Sentence Feb. 4 1964 12 years imprisonment.
Charles Blurford Power Fort Pierce, Florida. Offense Interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle. Sentence Apr 2 1948 1 Year and 1 day imprisonment.
John Gregory Schillace Hammond LA Offense Conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute. Sentence May 11 1988 20 months imprisonment 3 years suprevised release.
Wendy Rose St. Charles Offense Conspriracy to conuct a narcotics enterprise and distribution of cocaine Sentence Aug 10 1984 4 years imprisonment and 4 years special parole and 4 years probation.
Jimmy Lee Williams Mesquite TX Offense False statement on a loan application. Senetence June 26 1995 5 years probation.