AmericaSedition has a great article on Rep. Hunter's press conference yesterday on the menu at Guantanimo Bay...

In 1976, the Eagles released the album "Hotel California." The title track was a song about a creepy, mysterious hotel off a "dark desert highway." Though it was "a lovely place," with "plenty of room," "mirrors on the ceiling," and "pink champagne on ice," there was a nasty catch: you "can check out any time you like but you can never leave." [. . . ]
I couldn't help but think of this song after Duncan Hunter discussed the delightful menu at Guantanamo Bay — savory dishes of "lemon fish," "oven-fried chicken," "rice pilaf," "two kinds of fruit," and "pita bread." Hunter concluded that the US is not torturing the inmates of Guantanamo Bay "unless you consider having to eat chicken three times a week real torture." Hunter went on to say that "the point is that the inmates in Guantanamo have never eaten better, they've never been treated better and they've never been more comfortable in their lives."
It should be obvious to anyone watching this farce that the real torture of this place is that these people are unable to leave, have not been accused of any crime, and have no legal recourse to fight for their release.
Crooks and Liars has the surreal video of Hunter's press conference.