"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I have been thinking about this for a while and I think that it is time to open up a dialog with fellow liberals about re-examining our stand as a movement when it comes to "Gun Rights".
I have never been afraid of guns but I am wary of the people obsessed with them.
We should worry more about the root cause of violence instead of the potential tools of violence.
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, declares the necessity for "a well regulated militia", and prohibits infringement of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms".
More background information about this amendment can be found here - http://en.wikipedia.org/...
"It's not easy being a Gun Toting Liberal. Gun Nuts don't like you because you're a Liberal. Liberals don't like you because you're a Gun Nut. What is a Gun Toting Liberal to do?"
I've actually gotten a fair number of emails asking me this; they presuppose that the only valid position for a liberal is to be disarmed, and the only valid position for a gun owner is to be a conservative. I'm neither. I own guns, and have spent a fair amount of time, energy and money becoming at least moderately competent with them. And let me state bluntly that while the politic thing for shooters to say in public is "I just shoot [trap and skeet] [a few targets] [to hunt birds].", that I do all those things, and in addition have trained hard to become competent in defending myself by, if necessary, shooting people.
I'm also a liberal, who believes that the government has the obligation, not just the right, to work to make our society, nation and world a better place. Which better place ought to be one in which fewer people are physically threatened seriously enough to need to resort to shooting people.
The intersection of those two beliefs - which on their face seem to be incompatible, but which I believe are not - defines a lot of what I believe about politics and the nature of good government.
So, what do YOU think?