...I hate to generalize & stereotype, but has anyone else noticed this? Its been my experience that the families that are the most
"conservative looking" from the outside, is usually the most screwed up on the inside. Most people than I know that come from Conservative-Republican families have had adultry, divorces, drugs, and other family problems. For example, as much as conservative extoll the virtues of Ronald Reagan, his family life was a mess, especially his relationship with Patti Davis....
This is very
ironic since Republicans claim to be the party of
Family Values. I've always pegged it to repression. The tighter you squeeze, the more pressure that builds that has to be released somehow. As a college student, I've seen it with young women. The goody-goody abstinence type, raised in that environment, that it's the first time away from home. They go to a frat-party & have a few drinks, the dam breaks & from then on out she becomes Ms. Party-Time.
Case in point, Conservatives usually freak out when Homosexuals want to adopt children. I guess they think that the gays will "infect" the children they want to raise. The ironic thing is that every gay person I've known has come from a standard 2 parent family. A girl I was intimate with, that came from a VERY conservative family, once told me about how her brother was no longer welcome in her family home. Her parents came home early one day, and walked into the backyard & caught the brother going down on his best friend.
I was watching Desperate Housewives this morning, & saw they had something similar happen on the show. Funny that on the show, the boy was from an ultra-conservative family, with a picture of Reagan hanging in the living room.
Maybe I'm not the first one to notice this phenomena...