I'm a Dean man who's up for bolting to a better candidate, but preferably not to somebody as soporific as Kerry (in many ways, he seems to be a jumble of the last four losers -- Gore, Dole, Bush Sr., and Dukakis).
OTOH, Edwards is extremely appealing (as long as he takes a defense-minded VP), and Clark to a somewhat lesser degree ("crazy general" is a much more effective smear in this age than "oily lawyer"), but I'd feel a lot more comfortable supporting either man if they hadn't chosen to stay in the public financing system and accept matching funds.
Does anybody know if there's any way for them to opt out (and, I assume, return the matching funds they had received) later this spring, if their nomination prospects are good? I don't want Bush's $200+ million in attack ads to go unmet, and I'm skeptical about how much good uncoordinated Dem 527s could do to close the gap if we have a publically funded nominee. Thoughts?