This was originally posted in response to a comment thread; but I thought it ought rightfully to be a separate diary entry.
This will likely fall on deaf ears for many of you who are endlessly fixated on the Iraq issue. (As you may or may not know, I was not opposed to that war.)
That said, I do consider electability important, as one of several crucial factors. I think you have to say "which of the candidates are electable?" and then choose from among them which you like best. (I believe even Dean fans do this, or many of them would support Kucinich or CMB.) I consider Kerry, Edwards, Gephardt, and Clark all electable, and Dean not electable (for many reasons, prime among them his temperament, his lack of credibility on national security, and his many gaffes like "America won't always have the strongest military").
So after a bit of a roller coaster ride (reacting to some new information--see previous diaries if you want more info on my decisionmaking), I have settled on Kerry as the best choice among electable candidates.
I like Kerry's:
--opposition to a flag burning amendment and non-wimpy explanation of same;
--strong stance on the environment (he highlights this more than any other candidate that I've seen);
--new education plan;
--support for American Indian issues;
--college tuition plan;
--proposals to protect workers' rights