Sometimes Still in Disbelief Bush was Nominee in 2000
Sometimes I am still in disbelief that George W. Bush was the Republican nominee in 2000. Think back to 1999, all the talk was about John McCain. He was declared the frontrunner all the way through the New Hampshire primary. Bush and Rove played dirty politics but I still naively believed the Republican party would not get behind George W. Bush. I thought they would support the popular senator from Arizona. I never thought the Republican Party would back the son of a President who failed to win a second term.
I falsely believed that the Republicans would either nominate a McCain spoiler other than Bush or nominate McCain.
I clearly recall being in total disbelief that the Republicans would nominate this governor who gained notoriety through his death row execution high numbers as Governor of Texas.
It only goes to show that fundraising trumps policy and experience. George W. Bush accomplished nothing in his life and racked up multiple failed ventures along with gaining an image as a bad boy and drunk until age 40. Whereas, John McCain was a war hero, POW in Vietnam with a long record of public service.
Then of course, came the debacle of the 2000 Election , Bush appointed and the rest is history.
I am ALWAYS in disbelief that people can be brainwashed by this imbecile but then there was 9-11. It seemed many Bush supporters have a problem with suspended reality in the face of events.
But I have tried to get inside the head of a Bush voter and I fail each time to truly comprehend their thought processes that would lead them down this path. Those who lost their jobs and have no health care and know the war in Iraq was a devastatingly costly and horrible mistake...yet vote for Bush, those people's devotion to Shrub flies in the face of reality.
The only possible thing that make sense to me why a moderate or Independent would vote for Bush is because Rove has been succcessful in painting anyone NOT for Bush as unpatriotic and giving comfort and aide to the enemy. Patriotism and Faith are too deeply emotional issues that move peoples' hearts and in this case cloud their minds.
Now we take our passion and organize. Democrats
are more passionate but Republicans have the reputation for organization. We can beat them at organization and grassroots efforts if we are not spintered by differences and can reach a common ground. That is why I so desperately want this party to remain inclusive so there is a place for moderates as well as liberals, progressives as well as DNC followers.
I am convinced the Republicans will soon be splintered by their differences and we can take advantage of that. All ready, true conservatives are fighting neo conservatives and radical religious nuts. There is surely more to follow.