I am becoming disturbed about the obsessive Kerry hatred on the boards. As a Dean supporter, I am trying to understand what this means. I think that if you added up the letter writing, sign making, phone calling, canvassing etc. that has gone on among the volunteers in the Dean campaign, you would have at least ten times the total volunteer man-hours of the other campaigns put together (minus Clark maybe). Many of us have made substantial sacrifices in time (and money) over the last year, and we are living through watching the wheels come completely off. Where we thought before that America was going to be able to solve it's great problems, now the feeling is of profound hopelessness and doom. (Don't give up hope!)
It is no surprise that the paranoid style would take root in this environment.
I am a Dean supporter who is going to support Howard through the convention and beyond, but I admire Kerry, Clark and Edwards, and I will gladly help whoever gets the nomination beat Bush.
Please fellow Dean folks, try to understand that it is not the other candidates fault that American politics has become a true horror show. The candidates are all decent, good hearted people, and they all have to face the same thing. The only way the Democratic party recovers its spirit and changes the country is if we stick together.