This past Friday morning, it seemed we all vowed to not let the Roberts nomination to SCOTUS take our eyes off the prize of RoveGate. Of course, this was all of three whole days ago.
More after the visual speed bump.
As of 10 minutes ago, there were just 8 of 30 displayed diaries having anything to do with RoveGate.
So we
are as sad as the GOP thinks we are--give us a shiny object and we'll stare at it for days and weeks.
I heard a Little League coach earlier this year tell his team, "Ya gotta WANNA win!." They won the game. We Dems and progressives are at the plate and we aren't even holding bats. You can't hit the ball if you don't swing the bat, and like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play.
Have we all run out of things to talk about already? If even the 9/11 airplane pod people can keep running diaries
ad lunarum (this, of course, is a totally fake Latin term), can we not keep our eyes on the prize at least until Fitzgerald announces something? Hell, I have ADD and even I can concentrate on one problem longer than this -- and my problems are of little and no consequence, compared to RoveGate and its impact on the future of the American Republic.
Maybe this will help, assuming many of us are being held, rapt, deep in the throes of summer: RoveGate is that burger on the grill that still isn't quite done yet. Put it back over the hot coals and sacrifice that mutha to the charcoal gods.