Prosecutor Ronnie Earle has filed a motion to recuse the administrative judge B.B. Schraub in the Delay case. Schraub appointed Judge CW Duncan to hear Delay's motion to dismiss Democratic judge Bob Perkins, ostensibly for being a Democrat and giving $5,000 to various Democratic organizations over the last 5 years
Turns out that Schraub has given even more money to Republican candidates since 1999, including over 3,000 to Gov Rick Perry's campaigns in 2000 and 2001.
Delay's actions in removing Judge Perkins display an utter contempt for the judiciary, basically stating that judges are unable to separate their personal political viewpoints from the facts of the case.
Earle's motion points out the blatant hypocrisy of the move, and points out the slippery slope that such decisions can lead to.
In Delay's world, partisanship is only ok if you're on his side.