Some Christmas amusement for politicos. This is well done and amusing. It makes politics light for a moment. KPFA was broadcasting a December 8th "forum" at Riverside Church in NYC this morning. I awoke to hear Al Sharpton take on Bush and praise the Americans who so loved their country so much that they put their lives on the line to get the right to vote. He said that the right Christians are not the Christian Right. It made me realize that the anti-war movement borrowed so much from the civil rights movement. This "forum" (not mentioned in other media that I knew about) brought together ministers from various denominations who were speaking out against the war and the divisiveness of this administration. Sharpton called the weapons of mass destruction the weapons of mass distraction (distracting us from the real issues of housing, health care, fair wages).
There is a potent movement brewing here--imagine if African-Americans again were mobilized to get their right to vote (in Ohio, in Florida) and the anti-war movement joined them. Two movements coalescing.
Well, I've covered enough text to post the Christmas Day amusement. Here's the Hillary link: