Most of the public, red or blue, is pretty disgusted by what passes for journalism these day. And, I think we can all agree that most of what we see on "television news" barely contains information of use to anyone other than the most ill-informed mouth-breathers in our midst.
I cannot contain my disgust and utter loathing any longer. I am beyond fed up, disappointed, shocked or angry. It's time to take action. Saving journalism is out of the question, it's already dead. But,I do have an equally satifying course of action.
Yes, it's time to take action of the most physical kind. There are far too many no-talent, right-wing hacks and shills on television and radio. Their only skill being they can shout people down, behave rudely, and spew forth lies and hatred. If they aren't spewing and repeating the lies and hatred on purpose, then they are far too stupid to be allowed to continue talking, drawing a pay check or chewing with a mouth full of nice teeth.
So, starting with Chris Matthews, I challenge the gas-bag to a fist fight. I hereby invite Chris Matthews to an ass-whipping. He's got it coming along with several others.
Mr. Matthews, you sniveling, cowardly little momma's boy, you are invited to come to Santa Monica and pick up your ass-whipping anytime this week. You can even pick the time and day but you'll need to come to Santa Monica (that's in California) as I have a real job that requires me to be factual, accurate, truthful and dependable...and prohibits me from taking off to points abroad just whenever I feel like it.
Here are the rest of my terms: No press; no weapons; no biting; you may bring a witness (mostly to call for an ambulance); this is just a regular ass-whipping and once you are unable to stand any longer it's over; once you agree to the ass-whipping you may not under any circumstances retaliate against me by calling the cops, your attorney or filing other words, you can't use the usual means available to sniveling cowards to get even with people. Oh, and please, no wagering.
This offer expires in 6 days, more or less. Acceptance of this offer must be made through you on the air. No emails and no posting of diaries at Kos...just because no one wants you here anyway.
I urge the rest of the Kos community to consider challenging other unethical, hate-spewing turd blossoms and shills for the Bush dictatorship to fist-fights. It's time to kick some real ass and get these cowards off the air. It's hard to spew lies if your new dentures are too loose.
Once these guys have finally shut-up, maybe the truth can be heard about the disaster that is George Bush and our government. Then, we can finally get our soldiers home, New Orleans rebuilt, health care for all, food and housing for all U.S. citizens and put a stop to the raping and pillaging of this once great land by corporations and Dick Cheney.
May our fists be swift and sure, and the results honorable. Help defend the United States and our Constitution with well administered ass-whippings.
UPDATE: It's been about 1.5 hours and I haven't received any communications from Matthews...I wonder why? I thought for sure this manliest of manly men would boldly step forward to accept this challenge. I am waiting....just so you know, Mr. Matthews, I plan to primarily use my left hand each time I knock out a tooth.
UPDATE 2: It's now 5:30 here on the West Coast. Nearly 6 hours since I issued my challenge. As far as I can tell, I have no takers. Well, as I said, the offer is good until around Friday. Then, I'm busy over the weekend. But, I will issue a fresh challenge next week. If one reviews just how many of these extremists there are, we could stay pretty busy with the ass-whippings for sometime to come.