Can someone explain to me why almost 50 years ago we were able to airlift food and supplies into West Berlin when the Soviets blockaded the city, but we can't get supplies into a suffering disaster area in OUR OWN DAMN COUNTRY??? There is no reason for people to be dying and starving in New Orleans. Why the hell doesn't the President order food and water along with soldiers dropped into New Orleans. If he really wanted to stop the looting, he'd send in troops and supplies to feed and medicate the people.
This is outrageous. There's no way we'll ever know for sure if strengthening the levees would have prevented or merely delayed the flooding, but there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for people to be dying in the aftermath of the flooding. In 1948 we were able to prevent West Berlin from starving in the midst of a blockade, but we can't do the same for an American city. You can't help but think that one of the reasons is that we had a real President back then, something we are desperately lacking today.