I'd like to see Mark Warner run against George Allen for Senate in Virginia in 2006. Otherwise, we practically have no chance to pick up that Senate seat.
While Warner may have a decent shot at the Democratic nomination in 2008, I don't see him being the nominee--I think someone like Hillary or Clark will end up the nominee instead, though I think Warner might have the best chance to be elected President of all the Dems.
But what do you think?
Rasmussen: VA Senate 2006: Allen 47% Warner 43
Posted on Monday 18 April 2005
If Governor Mark Warner decides to challenge Senator George Allen in 2006, Virginians could be in for an interesting campaign season. A Rasmussen Reports survey shows the candidates within four points of each other in a survey with a 4.5 percentage point margin of sampling error.
Allen, the Republican incumbent, currently earns 47% of the vote while Warner attracts 43%. Many people consider it unlikely that Warner will challenge Allen. It would be difficult for other Democrats to match Warner's numbers at this time.
An earlier Emerson College poll showed Warner ahead.