Dover to D.C. Procession: March 14-15
Mourn the Dead, Heal the Wounded, End the War
On the first anniversary of the United States' attack on Iraq, as the death toll continues to rise, the Fellowship of Reconciliation-USA joins other nonviolent peace and veterans' groups in honoring those who have lost their lives in this reckless war. And while remembering the fallen, we renew our unwavering opposition to the war, and our belief in nonviolent resolutions to all conflict.
The FOR [Fellowship of Reconciliation, see link below] endorses the Dover to D.C. Procession planned for Sunday March 14 and Monday, March 15. It starts with a prayer ceremony at Dover Air Force Base, where the war dead arrive, continues the next day to Walter Reed Army Hospital, where the wounded reside, and ends at the White House, where participants will deliver their message to end the violence.
While President Bush was delivering his infamous "Mission Accomplished" photo op last May 1, the post-invasion death toll was already climbing. Since then, the numbers of dead and injured have become such an embarrassment to the Administration and to many in the media that they are relegated to news "briefs" - impersonal, faceless statistics of this roadside explosion, that helicopter downing, this ambush or that suicide bombing.
Go to the following website for links to information, schedule, and directions.
More resources:
Baptist Peace Fellowship
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Catholic Peace Fellowship
Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Jewish Peace Fellowship
Lutheran Peace Fellowship
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Orthodox Peace Fellowship
Take a look at what the religious left is up to.