I've supported Dean ever since September. I've given money to Dean, I've gone to Iowa to campaign for him, I am working on my school's campus for him.
I apologize in advance for any spelling, diction, or grammar errors.
(c) 2004 All Rights Reserved. (that means you lazy reporter)
That said,
For everybody who is saying they won't vote for Kerry next November I have two words: Supreme Court.
Yeah Kerry's been an asshole this campaign season, yeah he might have been a total dick robodialing 1s and 2s.
In the end if it comes down to it and the choices are between Kerry and Bush I'm voting for Kerry.
We CANNOT have 3 or more Scalia Clones sitting on the Supreme Court deciding the future of our country's civil rights for 50 years, we simply cannot have it. Civil rights will be set back to 1950, civil unions will get thrown out as violating the new constitutional amendment bush will get passed. Do I need to tell you what happened to the Japanese during WWII here in America? How much of the Patriot Act do you believe will be struck down by a Scalia Clone Court? We'll be getting rulings just as ridiculous as "seperate but equal" and "corporations are people" from a SCC.
Write me off as some kook if you want to but I don't want to have to say "I told you so" because if I have to utter those 4 words our country will no longer be the supposed shining city on the hill showing the rest of the world what freedom is all about.
Sure we'll have a dick in power with Kerry, our city will be smeared with soot, but we'll take names and we'll work to vote out and remove Kerry's endorsers. Yeah I'd rather our city be much more clean with Dean, but it's much easier to clean up the sooty city than it is to rebuild it from the ashes of a second Bush term.
See I got through that whole thing without mentioning Ashcroft once, oops I just did. Can we have another 4 years of Ashcroft? Can we have another 4 years of Gale Norton? Can we have another 4 years of Richard "Prince of Darkness" Perle? Can we?
I'm still supporting Howard Dean for America come hell or high water, but come Novemeber if I have to hold my nose I will.