It appears that the bush "Plan" is to Use a modified version of Sharon's Pullout plan to ethnically cleanse the unwanted parts of the population from the South. Because from what I am seeing on CNN it is quickly devolving into a potentially violent situation. Bushes threats to subdue Supposed "looters " with ZERO tolerance , sounds to me like the prosecution in the field tactics employed by the Israeli military. (selective profiling anyone)
more on the flip!!
As a resident of the Gulf Coast most of my life, and having survived 3 major storms . I will tell you first hand , that when the storm passes and the water recedes the recovery begins. The situation in New Orleans is unique in that the water wont recede with out Mechanical help. Failure to keep this system maintained , functioning and updated is Criminally Neglegent.
Failure to provide a more immediate reponse is also bordering on criminal neglect.
Maybe Americans will wake up and realize that what Katrina has done to the US is EEriy similar to what the US military has done to Iraqi civilans , buisinesses and Infasructure , and not dissimlar to what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians by depriving them of food , water rights ,farmland and jobs.
I believe we are fixing to see firsthand how people behave when stripped of every thing they own. whether it be by the hand of GOD or The Militaries of Greedy Men.
This Administraton will not be able to hide the pictures of these atrocities like they do pictures of Fallujia or Palestinian suffering .It is too close to home !!
By the way where are those pictures of "The Galleria on the Euphrates" the green zone ?