The Dean bashing continues:
IF YOU'RE A yellow dog Democrat and don't see anything wrong with Howard Dean's latest wisecracks about Republicans, try turning around his comments.
Last week, the Democratic Party Chairman and chief loudmouth told liberal groups that a lot of Republicans "never made an honest living in their lives." Can you imagine the outrage of the People for the American Way if the Republican Party chairman said a lot of Democrats are welfare queens hooked on food stamps?
Dr. Dean also said that the GOP was "pretty much a white, Christian party." Sort of like a GOP chairman saying that Democrats are a party of blacks, atheists and Jews.
Yargh. Where to even begin. My response after the fold.
I hope they print this, or at least something similar. I have had one other letter published (I got the lead letter criticizing electronic voting machines about 2 years ago) so there's hope
Howard Dean speaks the truth, like it or not.
Your Sunday editorial about Howard Dean and his jabs at Republicans not only took Dean's comments out of context, the editorial missed Dean's points completely.
Dean's quote about some Republicans "not working a day in their lives" was referring to people being forced to spend eight hours in line to vote as how difficult that was for working people. I don't have time to wait eight hours to vote. Do you? Who among us does?
And about Dean's comment about Republicans being "pretty much the White Christian party", let's look at Republicans in U.S. Congress. According to, 53 out of 55 Senators (96%) and 230 out of 231 Representatives (99.6%) are Christians, and they are all white. That sounds like "pretty much the White Christian party" to me.
Perhaps you should look into the context and truthfulness of Dean's statements before spouting Republican talking points and creating false equivalences with demonstrably false statements.