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Holt could be good fit for Corzine
Almost all of the would-be senators favor the aggressive approach to courtship. Hence the always blistering, sometimes intellectually dishonest attacks on Doug Forrester that Robert Menendez, Rob Andrews, and Frank Pallone happily serve up at the snap of Corzine's senatorial finger.
You can't blame Corzine for playing along. A good surrogate is a good surrogate, after all. But what if he's secretly turned off by their please-please-pretty-please neediness? What if he actually prefers the shy, quiet type?
Then maybe Rush Dew Holt has a chance.
The article goes on to emphasize Holt's relative independence from the NJ State Party machine and his smaller warchest. He doesn't trade favors with the good-old-boy network, which manages to run our party without much interference from voters and activists.
Corzine's choice for senator will send a strong signal about his sincerity about reforming the party and "connecting" to citizens. Right now I can live with his sleeping with the party bosses if he has to do that to get elected. But not after the election.