Unfortunately, I have trouble believing that argument. I think there are several fundamental reasons why the insurgency is going on in Iraq. This is based on interviews with Iraqis, with professors, analysts, and other members of the military who aren't necessarily as "on message."
Many analysts say that there is a significant proportion of the population which does not support this current government, which is Shiite dominated. [They say] that the Sunnis in the Anbar province, in particular, do not relate to this government and really feel isolated by it.
There is also the belief, among many Sunnis, that this is an Iranian-backed government that does not represent them. They believe that the Kurds are just driving for independence. They feel that they are chronically disenfranchised and if they don't fight for their independence they will be overrun by Iran.
Whether that is true or not, it is certainly a belief that a large base, maybe even the majority of the Sunni community feels, particularly in the Anbar province.
Here's the whole story
So where is the end game?
When the Bush Admin. says this is just growing pains of a young democracy, that completely discounts the deep mistrust there is between the Kurds, Sunni/Bathist, and Shiite factions. I really don't see how this region will ever be stabilized again under one government. Please Mr. President tell us how??? Please tell us when you will end up declaring Victory and pulling out because the only thing that is going to change from now and that future point is more US soldiers lost and US Tax dollars spent...Nice planning asshole...War President hah!