W and his minions continually opine that all they want is an upperdown vote.
It's time to stop treating this as an outrage, and give it the serious attention it deserves. While most of us prefer our uppers first thing in the morning and our downs later in the day, we've all slipped into upperdown territory at one point or another. Of course, the inherent problem is that the upper often allows you to ingest downs much longer than you would otherwise, and instead of waking up the next morning with a mild hangover, you stay up until dawn, sleep until the afternoon, wake up with a dry mouth, a crashing headache, and a bladder that's fuller than John Kerry's hair.
It's dangerous territory, you've been there before, and....tell the truth now: you'll be there again. Hell, that's all W wants. And he wants to be democratic about it. He wants an upperdown vote.
So in that spirit, here's your chance to name your poison: