Sorry for the delay in posting this follow-up diary with photos from our DC dKos happy hour on Friday night.
Thanks to everyone who attended!!! It was a great turnout and I hope we'll do it again.
In general, our group was incredibly diverse, and though most of us live and work inside the Beltway, our group represented a diversity of background, age, career, and interest that belies the concept of DC "groupthink" that Kos mentioned in an earlier post today.
Our group included two public school teachers, an intern with the AFL-CIO, an intern with the DNC, a labor lawyer, folks who live in DC, MD, and VA, ages from 19 ---> ?, single professionals, moms and dads, etc.
Click below to see some photos (if you're on dialup, beware!)
From left to right:
Kevin (lurker)
Christian (lurker)
Stirling Newberry (in profile)
Yellow Dog (front)
Seth (lurker - back)
romantotale (back, under lamp)
Jamais Vou (front)
Maura in VA (back)
teacherken (front, kneeling)
rgilly (back)
John (lurker)
teacherken, anarchistfag, and audibledevil in conversation...
rgilly, Yellow Dog, romantotale, Elena (romantotale's gf), teacherken, and anarchist fag on left side of table, Stirling Newbery and Jamais Vou on right
L to R: Jamais Vou, Seth, valabor, and John