Whew! That was quickest Marine investigation in the history of all humanity! What was it, like three days?
It's not over?
The investigation is still ongoing?
Then can someone explain why George "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Bush hasn't shut his pie hole about it since the day the photos were released? I mean ... didn't he say he never comments on an ongoing investigation?
Sure, you remember!
He couldn't comment on Karl Rove being mentioned in a CIA leak investigation wherein, as we now know, Rove assisted in the treasonous act of revealing the name of a CIA operative for political gain. (That was, of course, after he gave assurances he would fire anyone involved, and then later qualified ... "er ... did I say fire? I meant not comment on...").
"This is a serious investigation," Mr. Bush said at the end of a meeting with his Cabinet. "I will be more than happy to comment on this matter once this investigation is complete.
Then there was the Tom "Get It While It's Hot" Delay scandal, for which we still may get to see a corrupt republican ass hanging from a metaphoric tree. Again ... no comment for the Bush Crime Family!
It was an ongoing investigation, and his administration had a scrict policy to stay mum on such things.
But release a few photos from Abu Graigb, or leak a story about a Marine squad gone mad and suddenly he's Chatty Cathy!
He's singing to the preeeesssssss, he's singing to the seennnaaaaattee......he's just singing like a big, fat crow with a mouth full of shrew bones these days, isn't he!?
Oh, first, though ... he has to make it seem as though the November massacre somehow slipped by his "every phone call ever made in the history of mankind" desk until the moment it hit the news. But THEN ... he's just as happy as a pig in shit to tell you aaallllll about how horrible this is, and how a few Marines are gonna get their comeupance!
"I have been told and was assured earlier today when I called about it that when this comes out, all the details will be made available to the public, so we'll have a picture of what happened," Snow said.
Oh yeah! Even his slick, new, silver tongued Press Secretary just looooooooves to talk about this new scandal. AAALLL THE DETAILS WILL BE MADE PUBLIC, he says! WHEW!!!
"If in fact, laws were broken," (Bush chirped with pleasure), "there will be punishment."
YES!!! Let there be PUNISHMENT!!!! Because once again, like Abu Graihb, we can pin this on four, or five, or ten, or two dozen "ROGUE MARINES"!
I yearn ... long ... PRAY for the day that George "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Bush, or someone from within the Bush Crime Family, says something outloud and the whole news media world just goes...