Tonight's C-SPAN time travel debate with John Kerry on the Dick Cavett Show was pretty compelling television in how the upcoming election will be framed. One the one side, Kerry gave thoughtful answers on why we were even in Vietnam. On the other side, the white socks wearing opposition quoted John Paul Vann on how sucessful Vietnamization was going at the time. I've read "Bright Shining Lie" and JP Vann ended up dead in Vietnam, so I guess that ultimately undermines the Vietnamization argument. As an older X-er, I was amazed at how the divide over the war still exists between the pro-war surrogates and Kerry.
Well -- I'm not old enough to really have remembered the Vietnam War, having been been born in '66, but I do remember the endless footage of our troops rolling around in trucks through the Mekong Delta back in '71 on CBS News.
I'm a Deaniac, and I was given my marching orders last Thursday to support Kerry, but I still had my
doubts. I have to admit, if there is ONE scintilla of the guy who was on the Dick Cavett Show so many years ago, then Kerry is my man. What's the reaction of other fellow Deaniacs??