Well, I want to extend my thanks to Armando for the front page story on new prisoner abuse allegations. As I'm sure you all know, it's chilling and outrageous...it is stories like this, Katrina and cruel legislation that make me ashamed to be an American.
But we can fight back too. We have a wide range of weapons at our disposal. I don't have to name them all here. I would, however, like to take up the mantle and follow in a fellow Kossack's footsteps: freeping news articles. I WILL continue to bring stories with links that I feel need to be freeped.
With this Administration's laundry list of outrageous activities, it might be well nigh impossible to rate every story that comes down the pike. But this one deserves it:
When I rated it, it had a pathetic 70 views. Let's get it to one thousand by this afternoon.
Let's get to work my brothers and sisters.
Sorry, but I wanted to add two things:
1) If you end up rating this story up, please drop a line in this diary. I'd greatly appreciate it...
2) If you would be so kind, recommend this.
3) Here's the story on Yahoo too: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050924/ap_on_re_us/prisoner_abuse_2
Thanks again...I just joined this community and THIS place makes me proud to be an American.