'CHICKEN-hawk Leader' George WhistleAss Bush made it to Baghdad and visited for two hours, then he got on Air Force One (which has anti-missile protection) and came back to the US safely.
Meanwhile I had to update my sig with two more dead American kids. They will be coming home in 'transfer tubes' and their families and loved ones will be "broken on the 'rac". Georgie's Folly in Iraq has cost America some of it's finest again.
Barbara Bush says that Georgie is her 'precious son' and she loves him. Well, some other moms and dads lost their precious children because of her 'precious son'. Whether Bab's 'precious' Georgie grandstands in Iraq or not, two more troopers are dead.
I am glad Georgie could finally find time for the men and women who are getting killed and maimed for Georgie's Folly. I am glad he made it home safe.
I wish he were as concerned about getting our troops home safe as he is about Fort Halliburton and his cronies bottom line.
And I wish it were not another example of the Bush Photo Op Curse. You appear in a photo op with Geroge WhistleAss Bush and your days are numbered.