The Guardian has
the goods on how dire the situation in Iraq has become.
Insurgents have taken over much of the Iraqi city of Ramadi and used it to launch attacks against US forces while terrorising the population with public beheadings.
A huge bomb killed five American marines yesterday and showered body parts on to rooftops, fuelling suspicion that armour-piercing technology is being developed and tested in Ramadi.
US troops recovered the remains and withdrew to their base outside the Arab Sunni stronghold, leaving masked gunmen to erect checkpoints and carry out what residents said was the latest of many executions.
All Humvees are now armoured but there is suspicion that insurgents have learned to make "shape charges" which narrow the force of blasts to penetrate armour.
Not only have the insurgents taken over Ramadi, but they have done so with the apparent help of field tests of new weapons being developed by their R&D dept.
More below the fold...
Read the entire article to see just how dire the situation is: kids playing soccer with a severed head, the insurgents in total control of the local gvmt (they are cancelling meetings arranged by civic and tribal leaders) and how the US is responding to the five dead marines (Iraqis claim that in retaliation, US troops fired on a minbus, killing eight girls and one woman).