NBC has a new show coming out that has the American Family Association in an uproar. Read more about it below.
I have developed a new strategy I'd like to share with you all. I recently was visiting the American Family Association(
Link) and came across a wealth of information that I was unaware of. Whatever these fundamentalists were fighting against - I knew I
probably would support so I began to read through their items. Demonization of gays, demonization of atheists, demonization of liberal judges, blah blah blah. Within 5 minutes I had signed up and began to use their activism tools to send positive messages instead. You'd be amazed how easily you can change a threatening boycott message to a message of praise with just a few words. Ok, now onto the Book of Daniel :
The AFA is having internal spasms over this show. As a member of the AFA, I received the insider tip that the fundies are now trying to stop the show from airing on NBC. The e-mail I received was titled : "Ask potential advertisers not to sponsor 'The Book of Daniel'"
Inside the e-mail was the text which horrified the fundies to no end -
The network is promoting "The Book of Daniel" as a serious drama about Christian people and the Christian faith. The characters include: Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest; his alcoholic wife; his son, a 23-year-old homosexual Republican; his daughter, a 16-year-old drug dealing daughter; a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop's daughter; his lesbian secretary who is sleeping with his sister-in-law; and a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus who talks to the priest.
The writer for the program is Jack Kenny, a practicing homosexual who describes himself as being "in Catholic recovery," and is interested in Buddhist teachings about reincarnation and isn't sure exactly how he defines God and/or Jesus. "I don't necessarily know that all the myth surrounding him (Jesus) is true," he said.
Now, I don't exactly like the dribble that most broadcast TV or any television outputs but take your hats off to NBC for giving the middle finger to Fundies. The problem is we need to start counter attacking now -- give NBC an e-mail and let them know you appreciate them having a drama like this. Nothing makes the Fundies piss their pants more then the potential claim they are hypocrites. This isn't about politics even - this is the core philosophy of Free Religion and Free Speech that many of us believe. And even potentially Open Sexual Orientation(not sure if there is a better word for it) and the mature discussion of it. Despite the fact the show seems over the top(I find the laundry list of problems the family has kinda long) - it's refreshing to see something that doesn't just have one or two characters with off the wall issues that are out of the box. The whole show seems to be out of the box. I have a feeling the fundamentalist idea of Black and White is going to get a shakin' in this one.