Hesiod at
Counterspin Central points out that Kerry's team is starting to realize what it's up against with respect to the media and the Mighty Wurlitzer.
Nothing we should be surprised by, but it's still daunting when you first see it happening.
At the end of this very good post, Hesiod asks:
Incidnetally, where the hell is the Democratic party? Where is Bill Clinton? Where is Al Gore? I saw Wesley Clark defending Kerry this morning on CNN, but I have yet to see the BIG GUNS out there attacking Bush and defending Kerry on a daily basis.
I did get a mass e-mail from Bill Clinton asking for money on behalf of Kerry. But he needs to be out on the campaign trail, drawing fire from the White House and media attention. He can stick to economic issues, if he feels uncomfortable attacking Bush over Iraq policy.
Where's the press conferences with Bob Rubin and Frank Raines attacking Bush's lousy economic record and budget busting?
I hadn't thought about this, but where the hell is our "A Team" anyway. The "B Team" is out there, the second stringers defending Kerry and attacking Bush, but none of the big guns. If I had a more conspiratorial mind, I'd probably be even more worried about this than I am. But for now I'm chalking it up to the observation that the Democratic Party still doesn't realize the nature of the machine they are fighting, even now. Even after 4 years of Bush, and the Clinton wars, they still think this is the same political game they played in the 70s and early 80s. And they couldn't be more wrong. It isn't politics anymore, it's war. At least that's how the other side approaches elections.
So guys, put the role players back on the bench. It's starters only now.