As Kleiman points out so well:
Either Karl Rove lied when he told Bush he wasn't invovled in unmasking Valerie Plame or Bush lied when he said that he knew Rove wasn't involved.
Either way, such a lie is a felony under 18 USC 1001. This is the law that put Martha "M Diddy" Stewart behind bars.
So one way or another, a crime has been committed and someone has to go to jail. The question is: Will they?
Many people have been praising Fitzgerald as the Irish Bulldog. Tenacious and tough. But the fact is, John Ashcroft appointed Fitzgerald. Until the recent revelations about Rove, nobody expected much more than another Republicrap Whitewash. The FBI investigators have been all over this story for two years. They were putting the squeeze on Hannah and Libby a year ago. Not one word of scandal leaked out until just this week.
Are they "investigating" or "cleaning up" the White House's mess? Are we going to get a nice tidy report with a few handslappings and everything is okay here folks, move along?
Or will arrest warrants be issued? I'd say Fitzgerals could issue one right now. Whether he does or not, depends on whether he's that bulldog we all hope he is or just another Republicrap lapdog.