With Gov Schwarzenegger sweeping the field, it is clear California is in Republican hands. This result is entirely the work of totally spineless elected Democrats at every level.
I give thanks to Treasurer Phil Angelidies for being the SOLE major Democratic officeholder to stand up to the Governor.
This puts California in play next November. While it is unlikely Bush will win California, Democrats have been weakened. Republican money spent in California will have to be matched, which will undermine the underfunded Kerry campaign.
Bush Could Win California
This was a low turnout primary: 40% voted. Earlier expectations of high turnout dissolved with the Dean campaign. Party regulars turned out, and some independents, but, by and large, Democrats stayed home.
George W Bush got 1.95 million votes, compared to 1.76 million for Kerry and .97 million for Edwards. Even in a Republican dominated primary, George W Bush gets beat by leading Democrats.
The Governor's propositions got 60% or more of the vote. On the other hand, the school bond issue just barely passed with just over 50% of the vote. What this suggests is that many "Democrats" did not support the school bonds.
Prop 56, sponsored by Unions and the League of Women voters, was defeated 2:1. This almost certainly means today's "Democrats" are not a very liberal bunch, including most of those who voted for Kerry.
It is important to note that more than 10% - maybe as many as 15% - of the voters decided their positions in the last 3 days prior to the election. Had these voters not voted, many of the results would have been exactly the opposite.
Governor Schwarzenegger was the big winner March 2. Republican-leaning independents and last minute choices probably decided the election.
Taken together, the results imply that George W Bush might be able to win, or come close to winning, in California, if turnout is low and people are not enthusiastic about Kerry.
Apolitical Electorate
The fact that such a large number of people in the recent primaries made up their minds at the last minute is very disturbing. I interpret that to mean they don't care much about politics, don't hold considered opinions, and are essentially a random element in election outcomes.
I believe this is actually dangerous, and leads to some form of authoritarian government.
For this year, it means it will be impossible to predict who gets elected until the last minute. Any Bush-instigated October surprise is almost certain to lock up the election for Bush.
The Sacramento Bee pointed out the truth of it on March 3. The Governor got a leg up and is clearly in charge. Democrats are not in charge. Union and schools were losers; businesses were winners.
The most prominent business winners were TOBACCO, LIQUOR, OIL & GAS INTERESTS, and the like, who sponsored the anti-Prop 56 campaign.
I worried about this outcome. I urged everyone in sight to pay some attention to California, and to oppose the Governor's propositions. That didn't stop Senators Feinstein and Boxer, and the California Democratic party, from becoming the Governor's stalking horses.
In short, the Democratic party and most elected Democrats just rolled over for Ahnold. They gave the State to the Republicans.
My Response
I will be de-registering from the Democratic party in the next few days. I won't be voting for John Kerry, or anyone else who supported the war.
I will be supporting MoveOn and other organizations - maybe including the new Dean organization - that are promoting fundamental, progressive change in America.
I think we need a democratic-socialist third party. There is no workable party of the left in America today. (Democrats are not of the Left anymore.)
I would like to mention Treas Angelides again, who put up a STAND UP FOR CALIFORNIA website. That's what we need: standing up for ...
In the meantime, I will be spending less time on dKos - I don't want to aggravate you too much in my non-support for Democrats. I continue to write for my website.