And yes, there is something wrong with that.
MSNBC reports that the FDA is about to implement new rules banning any man who has engaged in homosexual activity in the last FIVE YEARS from being a sperm donor.
The FDA contends that this is to prevent transmission of HIV, but have not taken a similar step to ban other higher risk groups.
This hits lesbian couples seeking an anonymous donor especially hard as they traditionally seek out gay sperm donors in larger numbers, seeking to avoid entanglements and perhaps in hope that if later identified and contacted a gay man might be more accepting of a same-sex led family. Specifically directed donations would still be allowed
It's becoming clear that homosexuality is the number one enemy of the administration in power. Or perhaps homosexuality is the number one scapegoat and distraction that the party in power uses to distract Americans from their anti-worker, anti-citizen campaign against regular people in favor of plutocrats and corporatists.
Protest this decision, write the FDA, write your Congressperson or Senator. I am confident that in the not-distant future we will look back on this time as the Jim Crow era of civil rights for gay Americans.