bush & cheney will never face impeachment as long as the repugnicans control both houses of congress- even if they nuked Boston.
But what if...
Suppose the Democrats take back both houses next year. There is no doubt there would be impeachments for both bush and cheney.
And if the impeachment efforts are successful, guess who becomes president- The speaker of the house.
And Nancy Pelosi as the minority whip, should become speaker of the house. Then she would become president.
The first USA woman president, from the most liberal part of the USA. (I know- I live there!)
An extremely long shot, but just imagine what the freepers would think of that! :-)
It would be like a scene from the movie "Scanners".
All those freeper heads going POW!
And for good measure, impeach the 5 traitors who made bush president, and replace them with patriots!