It's quite rare for a TV anchor to stir up a deep disdain from both the Right and the Left.
My first pick is Judy Woodroof. When she saw the writing on the wall and spelled out the usual 'pursue other interest, spend more time with family' garbage, Judy Woodroof was showered with ridicule from both the right and the left.
Here's some diary comments from DailyDos.
Good (4.00 / 2)
cause she makes me sick, frankly.
Get into teaching??!!?? (none / 1)
...gaaah help us all - or at least those under her tutelage.
As for long-form shouldn't be too hard for her - she's already shown us that she has capacity in comedy.
Long Past Time for Hitler's Sister to Go... (none / 0)
Judy Woodruff is truly as American-Nazi as they come. She is one of the worst BushCo shills and I won't miss her a bit.
The problem is that her replacement is assured to be at least as much of a Fascist as she is.
Heil Bush!!
Long Live Bu$hCo!!
Good Riddance.... (4.00 / 2)
Woodruff had to be the dumbest, laziest, so called journalists on any of the networks.
She made Neil Cavuto look good.
Awesome (none / 1)
I can only dream that the berating email I sent her weeks ago had some bearing on her decision.
Let's hope her replacement isn't Carlos Watson, either. That guy is a total hack. I'd love to see Bill Schneider have a go.
Some comments from Freerepublic...
To: Tiger Smack
Watching her face scrunch up like she was sucking on lemons was a highlight of the 2004 election
To: Tiger Smack
Don't let the door hit ya in the a$$ on the way out!
To: UB355
She does have a 'wooden' face. She's the main reason that I quit watching the news on PBS. That was a looonnnggg time ago.
To: Mo1
Her ratings were going down faster than her pants
To: UB355
Watching her face scrunch up like she was sucking on lemons was a highlight of the 2004 election.
Just image what it would have looked like had it not been for the botox!
Oh man, it's interesting that even languages to ridicule Judy are similar on both dailykos and freerepublic. Why is that?
Why is Judy hated by both the right and the left?
Who else is hated by both freerepublic and dailykos?