Okay, so Netscape CNN had this headline this morning
Hiring Surges hotlinked from the Netscape start page to a Reuters story. The link, and the has since disappeared, along with the original article -- which concluded with something like "the California grocery strike added 10,000 to 20,000 jobs since
both strikers and replacement hires were counted (I am paraphrasing, since I cannot find the original text -- the replacement story
Payrolls Surge, Third Straight Rise Anne Willard (Reuters)
now says "The Labor Department said a grocery strike and lockout affecting 70,000 workers in Southern California had a net positive impact on employment. "
The AP article, reporting the same story Companies Add 126,000 Jobs in October LEIGH STROPE (AP)
concludes " Hiring in grocery stores got a boost as companies prepared for strikes in Southern California and elsewhere. About 13,000 new jobs were added last month"
Okay, the mediawhoring of calling and a rise of 126K a "Surge", and burying the peculiar arithmetic that counts striking workers and scabs against the same actual jobs notwithstanding, this story has me wondering if <U>I</U> am still unemployed?
My head was reduced part of an engineering headcount reduction in May of 2002. I made my first UI claim in May of that year. I found an adjunct teaching position across the river in Washington. I didn't make enough to turn off the UI, but the reduction in the weekly check meant that I didn't exhaust my first benefit total until March of 2003.
Because I'd been working in Washington, I had to file a "reverse transfer" claim in Washington, against the remaining wages in Oregon in order to extend my benefits for another 26 weeks. So, I am still teaching, still drawing UI, and I have open claims in two states.
Can anybody tell me if I am being counted once, twice, or not at all when they look at "jobless" numbers?