In my hideous travels through the conservative message boards, I have started hearing grumblings about Kerry's silver star.
There has been a lot of discussion about the incident that earned Kerry this commendation. Anyway, many are starting to question why Kerry served 4 months in Vietnam instead of a full tour (I assume, it was because he got 2 injuries - duh!).
The one thing I did find intriguing is that many people are starting to demand that all of the paperwork and records related to Kerry's silver star be released, because they want to see if his millionaire diplomat father or other family connections pulled some strings.
The AWOL story must be scaring them (a nice thought), but I'm a bit of a class warrior, so I cringed at the thought of this. I mean, if you think about it, a rich patrician soldier is much more likely to get commendations than some poor nigga from Alabama.
Anyway, the point of this post is to just get people to start thinking of ways we can justify this if it ends up being true, just as the Repubs are trying to figure out how to justify the National Guard shit. Personally, I think all of this stuff is great. The more dirt on everybody that comes out, the better, since right now I don't have a horse in this race. I'm really hoping the thing about Laura Bush killing her ex-boyfriend gets more press. And that joke Bush told when he was Governor of Texas, about how he couldn't wait to get to Israel so he could tell all those Jews that they were "all going to hell." Kerry's never-before-seen tax and financial records will be hoot, and I imagine we'll get to see his pre-nup, and the details of his divorce! As a big fan of the French Revolution, I can't wait to see these two blue-blood elites humiliated. (But one of them will have the Presidency to console them... and they'll both have all of that ill-gotten dough!)