Remember claims from the Bush campaign that Kerry would be "soft on terrorism" or ridiculous claims from right wing nuts that terrorists
wanted Kerry to win.
Well check this article, `twas to be expected...
Ex-Hostage: Rebels Wanted Bush Re-Elected
One of the captors from the group calling itself the Islamic Army in Iraq said Bush's re-election would boost their cause, Malbrunot wrote in Friday's edition of Le Figaro, the French daily he works for.
"We want Bush because with him the American troops will stay in Iraq and that way we will be able to develop," Malbrunot cited the captor as saying.
Another captor, who described himself as the group's head of internal intelligence, told the men that the Islamic Army has four enemies: American and coalition troops, "their collaborators, that is to say Italian businessmen, or even French," as well Iraqi police and spies.
Malbrunot wrote that the Islamic Army has 15,000 to 17,000 members and that its hostage-takings are carefully organized.
Chew on that one for a bit, 15,000-17,000 members- in just one group out of dozens operating in Iraq. Of course, you've heard from many "experts" that the insurgency will last decades- but what does that mean for us who are back home in the States.
With Bush at the helm for another 4 years, we can expect to stay in Iraq until 2008 or longer, but that doesn't mean we should give up and not put up a fight. An extended occupation will mean many things for American soldiers and the Iraqis- more deaths, more cripples, more mentally ill, and disease. Back home, it will lead to budget cuts so we can pay to continue this war, broken families, homeless veterans and orphans.
In the face of these burgeoning social problems we will face as a result of this war, a single individual may throw up their hands and just give up. I don't blame them, sometimes I feel like that myself.
Resistance to the war begins with saying "NO!"
"I refuse to take part in your grand schemes."
But how do you refuse? Get offline and speak to friends, neighbors, or relatives who may not be that informed or don't have the luxury or interest to keep up with news from the war.
Genuinely support the troops- send them toiletries, books, magazines, letters- tell them you are working to bring them home safely. Expose those who claim to support the troops but really don't- you know who they are.
Forward graphic war photos by e-mail to those who still think the war is fine and dandy, show them glimpses of what this war is really like- show them the images that haunt our soldiers and the Iraqi people every damn day.
Shop Blue. And let these retailers know why you stopped shopping in their stores- a letter or phone call could go a long way. Remember how Michael Moore got K-mart to stop selling ammunition?
Contact companies that advertise on Fox News- let them know you refuse to support those who keep Fox News on the air.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Kossacks
PS. forgot to add one, Donate money or your time to candidates who you trust will effect change.