Every once in a while I stop and wonder: am I losing my mind??? I thought that today when watching C-Span. The House was debating that security bill with the provision that the director of homeland security can do whatever he wants in regard to borders and is answerable to no laws and no judicial review. The Democrats were all against the bill and the Republicans all voted for it and I said, "Am I nuts??? Did every Republican just vote to give power to a nameless director, with no brakes on what he can do???" And will the mainstream media use this to say that Democrats don't want secure borders??? And I said, "Yes, that is what you just saw, and what will probably happen." And I have to wonder: am I losing my mind or has my country lost its soul?
A number of Republican congressmen from states such as Iowa and other midwest states all talked about keeping America safe after 9/11. You know, I was deeply involved in those events, my husband was affected, and I don't worry about it as much as those guys in the reddest and most barren of states, so I know they are just using it to push their agenda ahead. And you know what - even I am tired of them beating that drum. I say to myself, every time I hear Bush or other republicans talk about 9/11, For chrissakes, move on. We don't need another country to destroy us, Bush is doing a great job by himself. Look at the tax cuts he put into law! And look at the cuts he called for - the most vulernable people in our society and veterans who gave so much for his deceit just got a nice mouthful of cowboy boot.
And then I wonder if I am just getting too much of one view from here and other sites, and the NYTimes and WaPo. But I listen to cable TV, and force myself to listen to Hannity, and read the NY Post daily, so I am very aware of the arguments of the other side, and they don't make any sense. I hear their fear-mongering, I hear their pushing hate, liberals are called "evil," and "the enemy," - well, I would love for Hannity to take one of my calls, that coward, what has he ever given for this country??? My family and so many other families have given so much and now he is calling me evil and an enemy??? What the hell is wrong with these people???
I am continually amazed at the thoughts I have now regarding this government. Before I woke up, I voted for Bush in 2000. Now, I find myself amazed that they lie about 9/11, I am amazed that they plant journalists and don't allow any who disagree into their rallies, I am amazed at the torture and the senators who confirmed Rice and Gonzales, I am amazed at so many things, so many days. I think of how different things would be now if 60,000 votes had gone to Kerry in Ohio, I wonder if they were stolen, and then, I cannot believe that I am thinking that about my country.
Where has my country gone?? And how can we get it back??